Highquality Bluetooth audiostreaming for backgroundmusic or musicalaccompaniment | Three optimally located handles and a rugged composite st...
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Studio Economik
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Focused Technology
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All Data Resource
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International House Of Music
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Platinum Records
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Dale Pro Audio
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Supreme Audio
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AV Now Fitness Sound
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Ernie Williamson Music
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AV Maxx
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CCI Solutions
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Techno Store
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Stage Lighting Store
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Alto Music
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Info Music Shop
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Mzik ss
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Highquality Bluetooth audiostreaming for backgroundmusic or musicalaccompaniment | Three optimally located handles and a rugged composite structure | Highefficiency 1000 W ClassD power amplifier delivers up to 126 dB peak SPL utilizing transducers designed and engineered by EV | EVpatented Signal Synchronized Transducers (SST) waveguide design provides precise and consistent coverage, minimal distortion, and maximized acoustical loading
12" Powered Loudspeaker with Bluetooth Audio*. ZLX portable loudspeakers offer the best performance and reliability in their class - with components and engineering that work together to make it quicker and easier to take control of your sound, whatever the gig. With Bluetooth enabled wireless audio streaming, legendary ZLX performance becomes even more convenient with the ability to connect to any mobile device for streaming your music library. Highquality Bluetooth audio streaming for background music or musical accompaniment. Highefficiency 1000 W ClassD power amplifier delivers up to 126 dB peak SPL utilizing transducers designed and engineered by EV. EV Signal Synchronized Transducers (SST) waveguide design provides precise and consistent coverage, minimal distortion, and maximized acoustical loading. Three optimally located handles combined with a rugged composite structure provides the most portable professional sound speaker on the market.
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